Chin Up: Dissolve Your Double Chin

A smooth, tight, sculpted jawline is a hallmark of a youthful countenance. The aging effects of time, sun damage, and weight gain can take their toll on your face, resulting in laxity, sagging, and bagging and looking older than you feel. Short of going under the knife and getting a facelift and neck lift, until recently, there were limited options on the market allowing that look to be achieved non-invasively and safely. All of that changed in mid-2015 when the FDA approved Kybella®, and it hit the market. Kybella® is the first nonsurgical product that specifically targets the unwanted fat and fullness of the submentum or “double-chin.” This injectable prescription solution is delivered into the “double-chin,” where the unwanted pocket of fat resides and permanently destroys the fat cells.
Stubborn submental fullness or double chin is an issue faced by both men and women, and can affect young and mature people equally. Individuals who are self-conscious about their double chins are constantly reminded of it when they pose for photos or looking at their side profiles. No wonder that the best selfies are taken from above, when the double chin can be hidden from the camera’s unforgiving lens. Everyone wants a slim, tight, smooth jawline. Not only is it youthful, but it also connotes a look of health, physical fitness, and vitality.
Kybella® has really become the hot buzz in the beauty industry. Many celebrities like Khloe Kardashian have come forward admitting they have had Kybella® treatments done. In fact, during March of this year, Khloe Kardashian hosted the “Live Chin Up” event in New York City to kick off Allergan’s Kybella® campaign. Since Kybella® is a relatively quick and easy procedure, it is becoming more and more popular everywhere.
So, how does this magic injectable work? The active ingredient in Kybella® is a synthetic deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally-occurring molecule that aids in the breakdown and absorption of fat. Kybella® is administered into the fat pocket beneath the chin through a series of injections, causing the destruction of these fat cells. Kybella® is a permanent procedure, so once the fat pocket is injected, the fat cells don’t come back. Based on your individual chin profile, the number of treatments will be determined, but most people require two to three treatments, performed every four to six weeks. Patients will experience varying degrees of swelling, redness, and tenderness in the areas treated for the first one to two weeks. And within four to six weeks, you will start to see the results. Keep in mind that the more treatments are done, the more contoured and chiseled your chin profile will look.
Kybella® is new to the HDC lineup of cosmetic treatments, and we are very excited about it. In fact, a few of us staff members have been lucky enough to have Dr. Honet perform the procedure on our double chins already, and we can’t wait to see the results. Call us to make your appointment, and see if Kybella® can be the right treatment for you.
–Senada and Dr. H
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